Whilst continuing with my downward spiral, I did do something positive and went back and had another chat with the driver of the buses that are parked on Haydn Road all day. He's a really nice bloke and was the first passer-by to really take an interest in what I've been doing. Was good to chat with him, probably did something for both of our days ...
Having not posted many links, I will post another with little or no relevance to Photography unless you really strain hard and look at the, simply excellent, Photoshop work as being linked to the issues of Documentary Truth. I'm posting it because it really made me chuckle, I give you, Dave Benson-Phillips as Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'.
Having not posted many links, I will post another with little or no relevance to Photography unless you really strain hard and look at the, simply excellent, Photoshop work as being linked to the issues of Documentary Truth. I'm posting it because it really made me chuckle, I give you, Dave Benson-Phillips as Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'.

Allowing you see every last rivetting detail is the Gert Lush High Resolution which can contain a double-decker bus, sideways.
Our text for today comes from the emotions of yesterday. Had an alright day; got up, did the door, did the blog, went to our Seminar, talked about Camera Lucida for a seemingly interminable amount of time and then even managed a semi-decent evening not really thinking about the negatives and just enjoying what came along, I was feeling quite good ... Until something got to me and I lost all calm.
The text is an ironic, modern-Pringlist reflection of the fact that (my music taste hasn't changed since I was 13 ... and) forgetting about or ignoring something will not make it go away. In the real world; outside my brain (the weapon of self-destruction that can launch in 45 minutes), this is most commonly seen with Global Warming; something the world and mass media (or mass media and the world, if you prefer), with the exception of the Guardian which is so environmentally conscious it's offices are a treehouse that also serves as a protest base for those opposed to the widening of the A303, seems to care little about until the next new report or study comes along showing how ineffective we have been at reducing emissions. It's suddenly headline news for about five minutes, maybe ten on Channel 4 or Newsnight, before something else comes along the next day and we forget about it again ... until it comes back.
"I guess if we ignore it, it'll probably go away ..."
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