Following on from today's tutorial with the lengthy discussion about McDonals, today I have prepared the "Headline double-header"; the double-whammy; the Big Mac, BK Whopper or Footlong Sub of this newspaper headline based feast, all served up on the usual blue door.
With fractionally less writing to appease Hugh (although the border remains because as well as liking it; I actually use it for the very reason suggested for its' removal - the connotations of an uncropped image and as someone who does everything possible to acheive the desired composition in camera to avoid cropping, that's important to me), here it is in all it's chipped, faded and flaky glory:
Thursday is traditionally the day of publication for my local newspaper, the Somerset Standard, so I was keen to include that if, on the off-chance their lead story had any relevance to something going on in the world outside of a small Somerset market town. By chance their lead story: "Driver's miracle escape." was deemed sufficiently relevant to what the Times were going on about with "Huge rise in traffic is choking the roads." (Can't resist: Choking the roads? Probably isn't doing much for the environment either, but I suppose that may be a story for the Guardian to get it's teeth into ...) so I slapped them both on and I too hit the road.
Today's location continues to bring a visual connection to the news into my work and is a car dealership, a place that sells new cars to add to those already on the road.
With fractionally less writing to appease Hugh (although the border remains because as well as liking it; I actually use it for the very reason suggested for its' removal - the connotations of an uncropped image and as someone who does everything possible to acheive the desired composition in camera to avoid cropping, that's important to me), here it is in all it's chipped, faded and flaky glory:

Today's location continues to bring a visual connection to the news into my work and is a car dealership, a place that sells new cars to add to those already on the road.
Owain,i love your blogs they are always really interesting and i dont think they would be as "owain" without the text, please dont shorten the text too much, your photography is about what you have to say and if you wish so say it as well as display it then do it cause thats what makes it individal to you!
i do very much like the shots you've taken so far for this like, but you should make the photos bigger! i can't read the writing on the door at that resolution haha. Good photos nevertheless though.
And i see what you mean. i rarely crop my images either because..well, you know, you compose in camera, you shouldn't really need to crop. but that's not why i add boarders to most my online stuff (well, i used to, then went through a lengthy period of not doing so, and now i've got back into it again somehow), it's far more simple than that haha: when displaying your images on websites like flickr, deviantart, blogging sights like this, you have no control over the colour of the webpage the image is being displayed on. So, for example, if you have an image with a lot of very light tones around the edges, if the website it's being displayed on happens to have a white or very light colour scheme, you picture's edges can just trail off, ruining the effect of your framing. So i add boarders so it's a nice, strong edge to the image. Nobody complains when galleries and everyone put prints in frames three times the size of the print so they have a huge white border around the image, this is the same train of thought. so go! enjoy your borders! revel in them owain, revel.
Annie: I find writing as much a part of expressing myself, especially with this Newspapers thing that could easily get quite stale if I weren't commenting somehow on the articles, the papers and generally being involved with it.
I also think what I'm writing is part of my view of the world, it shouldn't dominate the images but, it is important to them.
I'm going to think about maybe saying more through the door and my own messages in the images, in response to what Hugh said about Barbara Kruger, over the weekend.
Sean: I'll sort you out some larger sizes starting tomorrow, though not too large because when they come out of the camera they are roughly the size of Wales or parts of Texas (not the pop group) ...
Have to agree with your points about the borders and web backgrounds! On the blog it's on a black background, full size it pops up and it's done a Michael Jackson and turned to a white background! Mondo Bizarro!
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