Another day, another door!

Once again, available in Gert Lush High Resolution.
Today's story is courtesy of The Daily Telegraph and reads: "Teachers to ballot on strike over pay." so I've gone off to a school after "home time" when (almost) nobody is there and, for the second day running, borrowed a bin to prop my door up!
Got a weekend to dedicate my thoughts to possible alterations to this project; a new issue of the Ever-Lowering Standard; more of Camera Lucida and of course, to Stelios from Easyjet ... just thought he deserved a mention!
Today's story is courtesy of The Daily Telegraph and reads: "Teachers to ballot on strike over pay." so I've gone off to a school after "home time" when (almost) nobody is there and, for the second day running, borrowed a bin to prop my door up!
Got a weekend to dedicate my thoughts to possible alterations to this project; a new issue of the Ever-Lowering Standard; more of Camera Lucida and of course, to Stelios from Easyjet ... just thought he deserved a mention!
Aah very good as always. I'm appreciating the higher res ones you're posting these days, it makes all the difference being able to actually see the writing.
Also, something i've been meaning to ask you; do you go and photograph this yourself? Cus i mean, i feel a bit sketchy shooting street stuff alone (e.g with the 5x4 where i have a massive, conspicuous camera), i always prefer to have someone along with me just to help watch my back and suchlike while i focus on the actual picture taking, and you've got something even more conspicuous in the way of this massive door haha, so are you alone or do you throw caution to the wind and brave the mean streets of notts alone?
Violins on stand-by ...
I've shot all of these alone, which is regretable from a social standpoint, but not something that I ever considered from a personal safety standpoint.
Considering it now, I probably should be slightly concerned heading out into the dark rather ill-prepared to defend myself with hands occupied; my back to direction of travel and my camera bag making an alluring target, like Chanel No. 5 to the astute thief ... however, I will most likely go out on Monday and not even think about it!
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