A bit like the now delightfully retro Semisonic album recently re-discovered in all its' glory, today I'm Feeling Strangely Fine. Nothing has changed drastically but, I always seem to enjoy myself in classes, looking forward to leaving my flat this evening too! Also, in a thrilling game of cat and mouse with the wind and clouds I narrowly managed to cheat Mother Nature out of a drenching ... 1-0! Back of the net!

As you've come to expect, and don't say I don't spoil you, like a recalcitrant camel travelling across the temperemental University internet, is the Gert Lush High Resolution image.
One of the things playing on my mind at the moment is the prospect of housing for next year and, to date, having nothing remotely sorted in that area. There's one nice possibility, but certainly nothing definitive and this is the most excited I've been able to get about the whole thing!
In the traditions of vaguely strapping this onto something current and relevant in the world (a bit like a bodged bicycle rack made out of some bungees ...), in my mind, at least, I've linked this to the general uncertainty surrounding most things in the world right now. The Environment, Energy resources, The Economy are all really quite unstable and unsure of where we might going at the moment. It isn't just these issues either. So, like almost everyone, if I stop to think about it: "I don't know where we are going now ..."