Like the extra late collection just outside the Post Office and the melancholy music traditionally played at the end of a silence of rememberance, this is The Last Post.

Today's photograph takes my door (stripped of as much evidence of my alerations as possible) back home, back to its' humble industrial estate beginnings. A steel fence now stands blocking access where once my door would have stood to grant it.
Though a very simple photograph, this took far longer than expected to shoot. I had to wait, and wait (ad infinitum) until a car pulled up at the corner shop just aback the street and thoughtfully left the engine and lights running, this boosted my shutter speed to a stunning 1/6th at ISO3200 ... enough! I could have used Flash but, I'm stubbornly dedicated to using prevailing light ... natural or artificial, as long as it's there to be used with a modicum of bodging. That and I know that if I had given in, gone the easy route and used Flash, I would have been absolutely crucified as a hypocrite and never allowed to forget the day I, Owain John Anthony Cecil Dimas McDougal Shaw, used Flash and how I hate using Flash ... unless it's for cleaning the variety of surfaces found in the kitchen and bathroom!
Anyway, I thought it fitting to take the door back there for this final post; back to where it came from, as tomorrow I will be returning home to where I come from ...
Hypocrite! I know you're past! That morning, on the hill, I know what you did!
That was a torch and not there at my request either! Rob brought it with him to aid his path up the hill in the dark, something I did without a torch!
Ben requested the torch be shined on Laura because he was shooting video at the same time as I was doing the stills. We didn't have two sets of balloons, I shot with the torch ...
I know the truth...
Potato... Potato... Potato... Not a Potato... Definetly a Potato...
You can't handle the truth!
Potato ... Potato ... Potato ... Potato ... BADGER!
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